Ecosystem for education development

We integrate existing information and create space for new ones

The goal of the research center is

  • Concentrate information in one place so that it serves to innovate policies, institutions and educational programs in the areas of career and education.
  • Initiate as well as participate in collaborations in this area.
  • Offer a transparent outlook of the space of career and education.

A space dedicated to reflection and development

Overtime, we create space for accumulation and sharing of facts, data and quality analysis, performance and innovation opportunities int the fields of career and education.

A space dedicated to reflection and development

  • Overtime, we create space for accumulation and sharing of facts, data and quality analysis, performance and innovation opportunities int the fields of career and education.
  • The research center mainly shares data, research and conceptual texts.
  • The information is intended mainly for the professional public, but at the same time forms the basis of projects providing services to students, schools and employers.

Data as a tool for better education

We strive to interconnect data communication between organizations in order to move the education and career sector forward and thus accelerate progress in this area.

Data as a tool for better education

  • We are striving for democratization and interconnection of data communication with as many parties in the area as possible. Our goal is to take the education and labor sector to the next level - to consolidate our readiness for digitization and thus accelerate progress in this area.

Naši experti boli súčasťou projektov, ktoré:

  • Tvorili analytické podklady pre riadenie a rozvoj vysokoškolského vzdelávania – reflexiu vývoja a rozvoj politík

  • Participovali na tvorbe strategických iniciatív a dokumentov v sektore školstva – s dôrazom na uplatnenie talentu a rozvoj vyššieho vzdelávania

  • Podporovali uplatniteľnosť študentov cez prepájanie škôl a zamestnávateľov – s priemetom do inovácií v kurikulách a praktickom vzdelávaní

  • Riešili výskumné projekty a prieskumy zamerané na optimalizáciu kvalifikácií korešpondujúcich s potrebami trhu práce, spoluprácu vysokých škôl a biznisu vo vzdelávaní, spokojnosti študentov a absolventov so štúdiom a získanými kompetenciami a mnohé ďalšie

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