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Let's change things for the better

We are actively building a network of partners looking to push the
boundaries of innovation in the world of career and education. We listen
to their needs and look identify mutual goals that through cooperation and
projects lead to comprehensive and sustainable solutions.

Coalition of big and small organizations

We value smaller projects, focused on specific areas with a clear purpose
and benefit, equally with strategic cooperation that holds the ambition of
a wider impact on the quality of education and career development.

Why become a partner

  • Enable students to better navigate the world of schools, education and work

  • Help stem the flows through which talent escapes

  • Add your name / brand to the fact and awareness supporters

  • Impact the quality of education

  • One ecosystem is much more efficient than searching in the sea for partial solutions

Our Partners
We lean on the support of organizations that share wibo‘s goals with us
Network of our supporters
We innovate and develop also thanks to our cooperation with these organizations

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